The common peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve. It controls the leg muscles that move the foot upwards (like taking the foot off the accelerator) and the ankle and toes outward. The nerve also signals sensation to the side of the leg and the top of the foot. Common peroneal nerve palsy is characterised by numbness, pain, weakness, and foot drop.
Symptoms include:
Causes include:
A discussion of your medical history and a physical examination are the first steps. To assess the extent of nerve compression, Dr Shiva may recommend the following:
Treatment is based on the degree of impairment and the location where the damage has occurred. For milder cases, nonsurgical treatments may include:
If the dysfunction is moderate to severe, surgery may be required.
Nerve decompression of the common peroneal nerve is performed under general anaesthesia. During the procedure, an incision is made along the outer side of the knee, providing access to the site of entrapment or compression that is then released.
Postoperative care
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